Yoga Teacher Training – Live a Beautiful Life
Yoga Teacher Training 2025/2026
Program Starts Friday, September 12th 2025 at 4pm
Contact 978.551.6699 to register interest or ask questions.
Welcome to the ABT Yoga. A yoga centered space with a vibrant community where everyone feels supported.
ABT Yoga is a working studio with over 30 yoga classes per week and over
10 weekly private sessions, open since 2007.
The program entitles the student to:
- All books and materials.
- Weekly office hours with instructors for mentoring and guidance.
- 40 weeknight classes and 3 weekend intensives.’
- Limited class size to ensure individualized attention.
- Opportunities to practice teaching, beginning early in the program.
Yoga Alliance Membership (ABT Yoga’s Teacher Training Program is Yoga Alliance approved.)
Our aim is to support our students as they become confident and well-informed yoga teachers, able to work with a variety of students, across all ages and body types.
Our teachers work closely with physicians, physical therapists, chiropractors, andbody workers. Together, they have over 26,000 plus hours of teaching experience since 2001.
- You will explore the physical, emotional and spiritual side of yoga
- We will delve deeply into the eight limbs of yoga and learn how to live our yoga every day
- Together, we’ll explore the effectiveness of yoga as an element of healingYou will learn to teach asanas with a mind for safe and effective practices for students of all body types and limitations
Program Starts Friday, September 12th 2025 at 4pm
Weekly classes begin at 4:00PM each Friday and run until 8:30PM
Weekend intensives: Saturday Noon to 6:00PM and Sundays from 9:00AM to 5:00PM
- November 15th & November 16th 2025 – 1st Weekend
- No Class Friday, December 26th 2025
- January 31st & February 1st 2026 – 2nd Weekend
- April 11th & April 12th 2026 – 3rd Weekend
- Last Friday Class June 19th 2026
- June 20th 2026 – 4th Weekend & Graduation Dinner
- Books will be handed out on the first day of class
- Other materials to be provided throughout the course
- Attendance in full: 40 weekly Friday night classes
- Attendance in full: 3 weekend intensives
- Completion of ten written (typed) journal assignments on yamas and niyamas
- Completion of a home practice journal
- Develop and teach a free community class plan and prepare two additional classes
- Weekly reading assignments
Program cost: $4,320.00
- Payment plan: Six $720.00 payments. First due by September 1st, 2025
- Each additional payment due monthly, by the first day of the month.
- $3960.00 if paid in full by September 1st, 2025
- $3720.00 if paid in full by August 1st, 2025
- $3500.00 if paid in full by July 1st, 2025
- Payment plan: Five $700.00 payments. First due by May 1st, 2025
- Each additional payment due monthly, by the first day of the month
- Full refund if YTT doesn’t go ahead as planned.
- For first class: A yoga mat, meditation cushion if you have one, notebook and pen/electronic note taking device
- Going forward: Yoga mat, books, notebook and pen/electronic note taking device
- Read the assigned pages/chapters prior to class
- Wear comfortable clothing that provides for easy movement
This is a 200 hour yoga teacher training certification, approved by Yoga
Techniques, Training and Practice: 100 hours:
This topic includes but is not limited to: asanas, pranayamas, chanting, mudras, mantra, meditation and other techniques.
Teaching Methodology: 25 hours
This topic includes but is not limited to: communication skills, group dynamics, time management, maintaining boundaries, addressing specific needs of individual and groups, teaching styles, principles of demonstration, observation, assisting and correcting.
Anatomy and Physiology: 20 hours
This topic includes but is not limited to: human physical anatomy, energy anatomy and physiology (chakras, nadis, etc.). We will apply what we learn to our yoga practice (benefits, contraindications, healthy movement patterns, etc.).
Philosophy, lifestyle, & ethics: 30 hours
This topic includes but is not limited to: study of yoga philosophy, traditional texts (yamas, niyamas, sutras, etc.) and ethics for yoga teachers.
Practicum: 10 hours
This topic includes but is not limited to: practice teaching as the lead instructor, receiving and giving feedback, observing others teach.
Other: 15 hours
Ayurveda. Restorative Yoga. Yin Yoga.
- All assignments handed in on due date given.
- A certificate of completion will be provided at completion of assignments and course hours.
Phone/Text/Email: (Texting is preferable)
Ken Lidden:
Phone: 978-551-6699
Email: kenlidden@gmail.com
Designated office hours: to be arranged as the program proceeds.
Weekly attendance at the Friday night yoga class is required as this is part of the 200 hour curriculum. As part of the program, you are allotted three missed classes which can be made up during office hours. Once your allotment of three classes has been used, you can make up the class at a cost of $115.00 per hour.
If a weekend intensive is missed, it can be made up in a single day session at an extra cost of $800.00.
ABT Yoga
22 South Main Street
Topsfield, MA 01983